On the 25th October I hosted a crash course at the Dulwich Unconference in Shanghai. The conference had three pivotal themes: Harnessing AI for Education, Integrating SDGs into the Curriculum, and Enhancing Language Learning.
We all have our best ideas at 6am in the shower but how many actually become reality? Well it’s time to no longer let them wash away and instead unleash our creativity with the power of AI. In this hands on workshop you will observe and explore how you can use ChatGPT to harness your true creative potential in the classroom. Potential which is in all of us – but too often quashed by time constraints and cognitive blocks. You will learn how to get the most out of AI to help you imagine, ideate, innovate and incubate – Crashcourse Blurb, Dulwich Unconference 2024

For those of you who haven’t been to an Unconference before I can’t recommend it highly enough! It was my first time, but I loved the format! For those unsure of what on earth it is, essentially it’s a participant driven conference where the majority of topics are shaped by the attendees themselves.
For me, the biggest takeaway was meeting some really interesting colleagues from around China who share my passion for both AI and Sustainable Development. We had some super deep discussions from the impact of AI on living ethically and morally to using AI to enhance, rather than stifle, creativity.
This was in fact the focus of my workshop: Using AI to Incubate and Unleash Creativity. It was only an hour but really enjoyable. With colleagues ranging from complete AI novices to proficient and daily users, it was a real challenge to appease everyone. In the end, the workshop was well received and I was happy to teach, support, and inspire those who attended. Below you can find four simple tips for using AI to unleash your creative side which I shared during the presentation. Of course for more information and examples of how I am playing around with this life-changing technology, just follow this blog!