Young people are the worst affected as unemployment creeps up in the UK

The unemployment rate in the UK has risen to its highest level in two years, with an official figure of…

4 years ago

Striking staff could mean a shortage of Jammie Dodgers!

Biscuit fans beware, if either Jamie Dodgers or Wagon Wheels are amongst your favourites, the followings news may be distressing.…

4 years ago

Is taxing robots the best way to protect human jobs?

According to research from Oxford Economics in 2019, up to 20 million manufacturing jobs could be replaced by robots by 2030.…

4 years ago

Unemployment claims in the US crept above 1 million again through mid-August

According to data released by the US Labour Department, new unemployment claims for the week ending August 15th stood at…

4 years ago

UK hit the hardest amongst the world’s largest economies

The results are out for the economic impact that Covid-19 has had on the world’s major economies in the first…

4 years ago

US budget deficit hit a record high in June of $864 billion

Governments need to keep track of their spending just like we all do. If they spend more than they earn,…

4 years ago

American airline employees are facing the tough decision of cutting their losses or gambling for hope of a brighter future

The aviation industry has been one of the hardest hit by Covid-19. With countries closing borders and people ordered to…

4 years ago

An economy down under: Australia facing the prospect of a deep recession

Josh Frydenberg, the Australian Treasurer, announced on Wednesday that the economy is likely to have shrunk by as much as…

4 years ago

South Africa: an economy in lockdown is an economy in freefall

The economic impact of Covid-19 has been devastating and wide-reaching. One country which is suffering significantly is South Africa, where…

4 years ago

British Supercar manufacturer McLaren to cut more than 25% of their workforce

As the world’s economies continue to reel from the damage caused by the spread of Covid-19, Supercar manufacturer McLaren is…

4 years ago