Thailand’s Wage Hike: A Double-Edged Sword?

The government in Thailand plans to raise the daily minimum wage by 14%, reaching 400 baht ($10.88) by October 1.…

10 months ago

Germany Unemployment Forecast for a Decade High

Germany is poised to witness a significant rise in unemployment, reaching levels not seen since 2015, with an expected peak…

11 months ago

Barclays Bank to Cut 5000 Jobs amidst Global Workforce Reduction

Barclays Bank has embarked on a significant restructuring process, reducing its global workforce by 5,000. This decision forms part of…

1 year ago

South Africa’s Unemployment Crisis: A Ticking ‘Time Bomb’!

South Africa is facing a pressing unemployment crisis, with a staggering rate nearing 33%. This alarming figure has prompted the…

1 year ago

Rolls-Royce Restructuring: 2,500 Jobs on the Chopping Block!

Rolls-Royce, the renowned engineering giant, has unveiled plans to cut up to 2,500 jobs worldwide in a bid to create…

1 year ago

The UK Economy is sick: The Economic Impact of Rising Illness Rates

The UK's economy is ailing, and this isn't just a figure of speech. More Britons than ever are out of…

2 years ago

The AI Revolution: A Double-Edged Sword for the Job Market?

IBM CEO Arvind Krishna disclosed that the company expects around 7,800 jobs to be replaced by AI within the next…

2 years ago

China’s GDP expected to rebound in 2023

Following 3 years of strict controls to stifle the spread of Covid-19, the Chinese economy is now ready to rebound,…

2 years ago

Nestle planning another price increase

Nestle, one of the world’s largest food and beverage companies, is planning to increase prices again this year as they…

2 years ago

Rishi to the rescue: UK chancellor announces the new job support scheme

The UK chancellor, Rishi Sunak, has just announced the government’s latest scheme to save people’s jobs from the ongoing Coronavirus…

5 years ago

Striking staff could mean a shortage of Jammie Dodgers!

Biscuit fans beware, if either Jamie Dodgers or Wagon Wheels are amongst your favourites, the followings news may be distressing.…

5 years ago

Is taxing robots the best way to protect human jobs?

According to research from Oxford Economics in 2019, up to 20 million manufacturing jobs could be replaced by robots by 2030.…

5 years ago

Unemployment claims in the US crept above 1 million again through mid-August

According to data released by the US Labour Department, new unemployment claims for the week ending August 15th stood at…

5 years ago

UK hit the hardest amongst the world’s largest economies

The results are out for the economic impact that Covid-19 has had on the world’s major economies in the first…

5 years ago

US budget deficit hit a record high in June of $864 billion

Governments need to keep track of their spending just like we all do. If they spend more than they earn,…

5 years ago

American airline employees are facing the tough decision of cutting their losses or gambling for hope of a brighter future

The aviation industry has been one of the hardest hit by Covid-19. With countries closing borders and people ordered to…

5 years ago

An economy down under: Australia facing the prospect of a deep recession

Josh Frydenberg, the Australian Treasurer, announced on Wednesday that the economy is likely to have shrunk by as much as…

5 years ago

South Africa: an economy in lockdown is an economy in freefall

The economic impact of Covid-19 has been devastating and wide-reaching. One country which is suffering significantly is South Africa, where…

5 years ago

British Supercar manufacturer McLaren to cut more than 25% of their workforce

As the world’s economies continue to reel from the damage caused by the spread of Covid-19, Supercar manufacturer McLaren is…

5 years ago

Indian economy to shrink for the first time in forty years

Whilst India was initially praised for their response to the Covid-19 crisis by organising a mass lockdown that effectively took…

5 years ago

ILO weighs in on the extent of the coronacrisis and offers advice for how to fight Covid-19

With unemployment levels soaring across the world, the ILO (International Labour Organisation) released a policy brief which outlined the steps…

5 years ago

Prime Minister Modi announces a $60 billion relief plan to help small businesses in India

India, the second largest country in the world with a population of 1.35 billion people, has now been in lockdown…

5 years ago

6.3 million people in the UK are being paid by the government – to stay at home!

In April, the UK government launched an unprecedented job retention scheme to combat the economic fallout of the coronavirus on employment. Under the…

5 years ago

Unemployment claims in the US have risen to 22 million

Since the US economy was essentially shutdown four weeks ago, the economic fallout has been tremendous and devastating. With businesses…

5 years ago

Could the coronavirus lead to a widespread adoption of universal basic income?

The economic impact of the coronavirus is unprecedented and far-reaching. People all over the world have been affected in some…

5 years ago

Loo roll over Louis Vuitton: luxury brands amongst the hardest hit by Covid-19

The global fashion industry, valued at over US$2 trillion, has been hit extremely hard by the worldwide spread of Covid-19,…

5 years ago

Singapore to inject another US$3.6 billion into the economy as coronavirus cases spike

The government of Singapore has announced an additional US$3.6 billion to support the economy as the city state sees coronavirus…

5 years ago

Minimum wage in the UK increases by 6.2%

As of Wednesday this week, national minimum wage in the UK has increased by 6.2% for those aged 25 and…

5 years ago

UK government to step in and pay people’s wages

In yet another unbelievable day of economic policy in action, the chancellor of the exchequer, Rishi Sunak, announced yesterday the…

5 years ago

Can the economically inactive fill the staff shortages in the UK?

The British Home Secretary has suggested the training and upskilling of the economically inactive in order to fill the large…

5 years ago

Is Argentina the best place to buy a house this year?

For the last two years, a dark cloud has been over Argentina as they contend with a serious economic crisis.…

5 years ago

Chinese economy could take a US$60 billion hit following the deadly coronavirus outbreak

The economic impact of the coronavirus is still a guessing game at the moment, but one thing is for sure:…

5 years ago

Unemployment levels in Hungary at a record low!

Hungary, a land-locked country of 9.7 million people nestled between Austria and Romania, is not a country which receives a…

5 years ago

High speed trains that drive themselves? It must be 2020!

China, the world leader in high-speed rail technology, has just opened a new 172km route which hurtles passengers across the…

5 years ago

Unemployment in the US down to a 50-year low!

The official unemployment rate in the US has fallen to 3.5%, an unprecedented low which has not been seen since…

5 years ago