Navigating the evolving world of education, teachers are often on the lookout for tools that can elevate their teaching methods.
Welcome to our introductory guide on using Poe, a revolutionary AI tool tailored for educators. If the idea of integrating AI into your teaching feels daunting, you’re not alone. But here’s the promise: our resource breaks down the how-tos, offering actionable steps and examples to get you started. While mastering Poe might require a bit of patience initially, the investment is worth it. Imagine slashing hours off marking and giving feedback and enhancing student engagement, all with a few well-crafted chatbots. Dive in, explore, and let Poe transform your teaching journey. Embrace this innovation, and discover how it can save time, enrich learning, improve teacher wellbeing and become an indispensable ally in your educational toolkit
What is Poe?
Poe AI offers a distinctive platform for educators and students, enabling the creation of custom chatbots that can serve as learning assistants on specific topics. For teachers, this means crafting bots that provide tailored educational support, answering queries, and supplementing instruction. Students can benefit from bots designed to give feedback on particular types of questions, enhancing learning through interactive engagement. With Poe AI, the classroom experience can be personalized, with bots acting as virtual tutors adept in both delivering topic-specific information and providing constructive responses to student submissions.
How to use Poe: create your first chatbot!
Step 1: Getting Started with Poe AI
Firstly, as a teacher, you should access the Poe AI platform, which is available directly via the web platform here. This is where you’ll begin crafting your educational chatbot.
Step 2: Crafting Your Educational Chatbot
After logging into Poe AI, you’ll notice a variety of chatbot templates. To create your own, select the ‘Create a bot’ option. Name your chatbot with something relevant to your teaching field, using 4 to 15 alphanumeric characters. For instance, “IGECON8Marker” could be a name for a chatbot designed to give feedback to students on 8 mark question responses.
Provide a clear description of your chatbot’s role, such as the subjects it covers and the types of questions it can address. This will help students and parents understand the scope of assistance your chatbot provides.
Step 3: Training your Chatbot
This is the most important step! You need to write a detailed prompt explaining to your Chatbot exactly what you want it do. It will then be limited to only being able to execute this task. This is great for using in class with students, particularly in regards to giving them feedback on work. In this case, you could train your Chatbot on how to answer a specific type of question. This is super useful for exam classes. Students can then upload a question and answer, and the the bot will then give immediate feedback with suggested improvement and even a mark if you train it do so. An example of this can be seen below!
Step 4: Tailoring Your Chatbot’s Intelligence
Select a language model that will drive your chatbot’s conversational abilities from options like Chat GPT and Claude on Poe AI. Choose the model that aligns with your educational goals.
Decide if you want the chatbot’s prompts to be public or exclusive to subscribers. Hidden prompts can keep the chatbot’s guiding questions discreet.
Step 5: Setting Up Your Chatbot’s Interactions
Compose a welcoming message that will introduce your chatbot to users—something like, “Hello, I am IGECON8Marker, I am here to provide you with feedback and guidance on your 8-mark responses. Please send me the question you have answered and your response.”
Use markdown for formatting or include suggested replies to guide students through their learning journey and enhance the chatbot’s interactivity.
Step 6: Launching Your Chatbot
Hit save and then your chatbot will be ready to go. Check the example below to see this all in action!