Consumer and Business Behaviour

The more you honk the more you wait: Mumbai’s innovative solution to impatient honkers!

Local government in Mumbai have come up with an inspired plan to cut noise pollution across the city. Fed up with honking drivers waiting at the city’s junctions, traffic lights have been installed with listening […]

Balance of Payments

Kenya and the US look set to sign a free-trade deal despite Trump’s attacks on global trade

Under President Trump, the US stance towards global trade has become increasingly protectionist, with billions of dollars of tariffs placed on goods from countries all over the world, engagement in a devastating trade war with […]

Balance of Payments

A trade deal between the US and China seems imminent… But what even is a Trade War and how do they fight?

Trade wars are not fought with guns, missiles, planes, or ships. Instead they are fought with the raw power of economics, and in particular a special type of tax called tariffs. These are taxes which […]

Consumer and Business Behaviour

The Privatisation of India

State-owned companies in India are on the verge of experiencing the largest wave of privatisation since 2000. The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, famous for limited liberal reform during his first 5 years in office, […]